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Dear CAQI Members,

CAQI Executive Council on the direction from CAQI Management and in reference to the current information dispersed by the QLD Department of Education today, 17th March, regarding the suspension of all School Representative Sport; have made the very hard decision to Suspend all QLD face-to-face Calisthenic classes and events until April 18th (Beginning of Term 2).  This includes training and the 2 Regional Solo/Duo Competitions.  This is based on direction from the Australian Government to minimise non-essential gatherings in order to reduce exposure risks associated with COVID-19. For latest updates visit:

Due to the growing concerns regarding COVID-19 in our community and for our own sport participants, CAQI Management has unanimously decided to follow the direction of the Department of Education and other Health organisations. We will be erring on the side of caution.

In consultation with Club hosts, both 2020 SDG Regional Competitions will be postponed until further notice.  When and where these comps take place will be dependent on several factors in the coming weeks.  Clubs will be notified by CAQI regarding updated comp dates.  For now, the May SDG Championships have not been postponed, however, this again will depend on several factors in the coming weeks.  More information will be sent out to clubs by CAQI regarding the State Championships in a few weeks’ time.  No refunds or credit to future comps will provided at this time, until final decisions made on the rescheduling of the SDG Competitions.

CAQI instructs ALL Club (face-to-face) classes CEASE for Term 1 and the April School Holidays.  All Calisthenic training venues are to close their doors.  Calisthenic classes should resume no earlier than the 18th April or beginning of Term 2, unless more advice is given, or the government/health departments declare that it is safe to do so.   Any classes held can only continue through online avenues if clubs decide.  Any refunds, make up classes or financial credit will be dependent on each club and on a club by club basis.  Payments by CAQI members will remain with CAQI and further discussion to be had at future meetings. State team payments will remain as normal.

It is CAQI Management’s decision that all QLD State Team Classes are to also halt until 18th April.  Coaches may continue with online training, Training videos, etc.  Make-up (face-to-face) classes in the future may be required.

As you can understand this has been a very difficult decision for CAQI to make and although quite disappointing for our members, the health and wellbeing of all participants, coaches and families is of utmost importance.

We hope to bring you more information in the coming weeks and hope for the best outcome for our 2020 competitors and clubs. 



CAQI Executive Council